
2024-2025 Travel Program Information
The cost of player registration is $550 for the 2024-2025 season.
A $25 non-refundable payment is paid when registering for tryouts
A $175 non-refundable payment is required when accepting a roster spot after tryouts
Two remaining payments of $175 each are due on September 15 and November 1
NEW - late fees of $25 for the Sept 15 and Nov 1 payment due dates
The registration fee includes:
Indoor & outdoor practice time from November through July (2+ trainings per week)
U12 and younger teams also have training opportunities starting in mid-September
SSC Indoor Tournament (U08-U12 only)
Summer league fees
Not included in the registration fee are:
Uniform costs
As in the previous year, families will order & pay directly on the WeGotSoccer website
Uniforms are re-usable from year-to-year; players only need to order new uniforms (or uniform components) when needed (e.g. new to the club, need larger size, etc.)
Fees for tournaments/other leagues that individual teams may elect to participate in
It varies by team and age group, but most teams collect approximately $100 more for tournaments, etc., although this may vary depending on fundraising efforts
Indoor Training (November through April):
Weekly training opportunity #1:
All teams practice individually on Saturdays for 90 minutes
Locations include Total Sports Experience, Glacier Ridge Sports Dome, Salmon Creek
Times vary by team beginning at 7:30am and ending at 8:30pm
Weekly training opportunity #2:
All players participate in club-wide skills training sessions designed by SSC Director of Player Development, Jamie Schneider
Location is Glacier Ridge Sports Dome
Thursday evenings for one hour between 7:00pm – 9:00pm, grouped by age group.
Weekly/bi-weekly training opportunity #3:
Teams have the opportunity to use school gyms for 45-75 minutes, December through April, on a weekly or bi-weekly basis, as school gym availability allows.
In addition, ages U8 – U12 have some training options in mid-September through October.
Outdoor green space for individual team training on weeknights or weekends
Un-structured “playground” soccer on Thursday nights at Glacier Ridge Sports Dome
SSC coaches provide supervision and support, but players are encouraged to self-organize, problem solve, and have fun playing soccer.
Indoor tournaments & leagues:
The SSC Indoor Tournament is free for U08-U12 SSC teams (normally in January-March).
Individual teams may elect to participate in other indoor tournaments/leagues in the Rochester area that run sporadically December through April. (extra cost)
Outdoor Training (May through July):
All teams practice individually on weeknights or weekends for 60-90 minutes, up to 3 times/week.
Practice day & time varies depending on the team
Once league games & tournaments start in late May, teams continue to meet about 3 times per week inclusive of games and practices.
Summer Competitions:
The Rochester District Youth Soccer League ( season runs from late-May through the end of July.
All teams play 12 games (6 home & 6 away) around Rochester area, usually 1-2 games/week
The travel distance varies based on the teams registered within the RDYSL divisions
Each team typically participates in two or three weekend tournaments in May-July (extra cost).
Tournament dates/locations vary greatly and will be agreed upon with your team
A small number of SSC teams play may play in NYS Thruway League, NYSW Champions Conference, or NYSW State Cup – details will be provided by your team for this situation
Volunteer Requirements:
Every family is required to volunteer a specific number of times per player throughout the year.
The volunteer requirement for this year is 1 or 2 volunteer shifts per player (TBD)
Maximum of 4 shifts per family, if more than 2 players per family.
Coaches (head & assistant) and board members are exempt from this requirement
Team managers are exempt only for the child on the team that they manage
Specific volunteer opportunities and details will be communicated when available, but here is some general info:
The volunteer duties vary depending on event; expect a commitment of 1 – 3 hours/shift.
There will be multiple opportunities available November through July, however the SSC Indoor Tournament usually has the majority of volunteer slots available for the year.
The SSC Indoor Tournament date is TBD, but normally in January-March.
Some other possible volunteer opportunities include club social fundraisers, and outdoor field setup/breakdown.
Failure to fulfill your volunteer requirement may result in a penalty of $50.00/player (max of $100) to be charged upon the conclusion of the volunteer signup opportunities for this season.
Payment will be due at that time and your child will be unable to try out for the following season until payment has been made.
Tryouts for 2024-2025:
SSC travel tryouts are normally held during the last full week of July, so please avoid tryout week when planning summer family vacations. It is in all players’ best interest to attend tryouts each year.
For 2024-2025, tryouts are currently planned for:
Girls: Monday July 22, 2024 and Wednesday July 24, 2024
Boys: Tuesday July 23, 2024 and Thursday July 25, 2024
Rain Dates (if needed): Fri July 26 and/or Sun July 28